This page provides a quick overview of what can be done with Mockrunner when testing Struts applications. The release comes with more detailed examples. They also cover mutithread action testing.

This simple action fulfils the order for some type of product. If there's not enough in the stock, an error is returned.

public class OrderAction extends Action
    public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
                                 ActionForm form,
                                 HttpServletRequest request,
                                 HttpServletResponse response) 
                                 throws Exception
        OrderForm orderForm = (OrderForm)form;
        String id = orderForm.getId();
        int amount = orderForm.getAmount();
        OrderManager orderManager = 
        if(orderManager.getStock(id) < amount)
            ActionMessages errors = new ActionMessages();
            ActionMessage error = new ActionMessage("", id);
            errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, error);
            saveErrors(request, errors);
            return mapping.findForward("failure");
        orderManager.order(id, amount);
        return mapping.findForward("success");


Now we want to write a test in case of success. Assumed we are working with a mock implementation of the OrderManager, the test may look like this.

public class OrderActionTest extends BasicActionTestCaseAdapter
    private MockOrderManager orderManager;
    private OrderForm form;

    protected void setUp() throws Exception
        orderManager = new MockOrderManager();
        ServletContext context = getActionMockObjectFactory().
        context.setAttribute(OrderManager.class.getName(), orderManager);
        form = (OrderForm)createActionForm(OrderForm.class);

    public void testSuccessfulOrder()
        orderManager.setStock("testProduct", 20);
        actionPerform(OrderAction.class, form);


Simply extend your test class from BasicActionTestCaseAdapter or ActionTestCaseAdapter instead of JUnits TestCase. The method names are self-explanatory. If you have your own base class for your tests, there's also a delegator solution. It is used in the next example which tests the error case.

public class OrderActionTest extends MyTestCase
    private ActionMockObjectFactory mockFactory;
    private ActionTestModule module;
    private MockOrderManager orderManager;
    private OrderForm form;

    protected void setUp() throws Exception
        orderManager = new MockOrderManager();
        mockFactory = new ActionMockObjectFactory();
        module = new ActionTestModule(mockFactory);
        ServletContext context = mockFactory.getMockServletContext();
        context.setAttribute(OrderManager.class.getName(), orderManager);
        form = (OrderForm)module.createActionForm(OrderForm.class);

    public void testFailureOrder()
        module.addRequestParameter("id", "testProduct");
        module.addRequestParameter("amount", "10");
        orderManager.setStock("testProduct", 5);
        module.actionPerform(OrderAction.class, form);
        module.verifyActionErrorValue("", "testProduct");


It's nearly the same but you can extend your test from your base class MyTestCase. You have to create the ActionMockObjectFactory and the ActionTestModule on your own. In this test we added the parameters to the request instead of setting them directly. The framework does the necessary populating. You can use this mechanism just like in the real Struts environment or you can turn it off for special tests.

Of course there are a lot of more methods and features. Just download the release, read the readme.txt and check out the examples.